Monday, March 5, 2012

Planned Obsolescence

The economic idea of engineering a product in such a way that it fails after a short amount of time to support economic growth. There is the famous example with the Apple Ipod battery; if the battery died (which it, with-in a year, undoubtedly had,) Apple support would tell customers to purchases an entirely new Ipod instead of just replacing the shoddy battery. Now after a widely publicized court case, Apple has altered this design flaw, but instead to create and maintain the idea of a "newer" "better" " hip" in the minds of consumers they push a new Ipod, or Iphone, or Iwhatever every new year, and attempt to make the older versions of their products seem dysfunctional and outdated...

Here is a youtube clip that I watched recently that refuses to imbed in the blog post:

Planned Obsolescence video

What do readers think about this? Should we maintain this philosophy to continue economic growth? Or should we as a people work towards a different business model not centered around rampant wasteful consumerism?